The Urban Aquaponic Farm built within the USAGE project, led by H2O SciTech – Water Institute, has made it to the list of Positive Impact Startups Laureates!

On June 26, 2024, at the ESG Ranking Gala and the List of Positive Impact Start-ups at the Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw, we received the DIPLOMA OF LAUREATE STARTUP OF POSITIVE IMPACT.

Kozminski University has been awarding positive impact startups for 6 years. Every year it appoints a special jury – the Panel of Positive Figures, authorities operating at the intersection of the startup world, social enterprises and the ESG corporate world – which selects a group of Laureates based on their observations and after joint discussions.

This List is presented at the Gala at ALK along with the new edition of the SPW Report and Database and the ESG Ranking. Responsible Management (d. Ranking of Responsible Companies) for large companies. This ranking is published in Rzeczpospolita.